Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How to Make New Friends at Social Events

When you move somewhere new, joining organizations and attend their social events is one of the best things you can do to make new friends. If you tend to be shy, then this will require you to step outside your comfort zone, but the payoff is worth it.

When you move somewhere new, joining organizations and attend their social events is one of the best things you can do to make new friends. If you tend to be shy, then this will require you to step outside your comfort zone, but the payoff is worth it.


So, here are some tips to get you started to use this excellent resource for building new networks:

    Join an organization or a club where people share common interests. This could be the expat community, chambers of commerce, craft or something related, for example. It's great to join organizations like-minded people, or those who might be in a similar situation to you.
    to attend social events - you get to the distribution list e-mail address, so that you know about upcoming events.
    If there is a forum member, go ahead and join.
    On the day of the event, send a message asking if anyone else is attending the event, and try to exchange a few messages, so you feel like you know at least one person.
    Keep a lookout for new friends once you arrive at the event.
    Wear a big smile, and walk to at least 5 random people and introduce yourself

It's that simple! The result is the beginning of a new social network for themselves.

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