Thursday, June 2, 2011

Gold - The Objectification of the Sun

Why are the gold standard? Why gold is synonymous with wealth, wealth, prestige and wealth? Is it the color? Is it the luster? Is it the luster? Why do we, as a race and have a completely flabbergasted as to why we all love gold? I'll tell you why. Gold, for hundreds of years, represented something rare, something beautiful, something great that never fades. Human beings are constantly looking for something that does not fade away with time, and that something turned out to mimic the sun its shine. This is some gold.

gold is mined and used since before records. The earliest reference to gold in the ancient Egyptian maps were made from papyrus. It is easily seen that our fascination with gold, began long ago, and continues to this day for good reason. The earliest use of gold should be those currencies and vanity. Since gold has been used for currency, even among our early ancestors, he has come to be a sign of wealth. This sign is exactly why we started giving each other gold jewelry as gifts, so we made ​​of gold accessories to wear. The primary role of gold has always been to show and prove wealthiness status and wealth.

Among the many metals, why do we choose to wear gold around their necks as necklaces around our wrists as bracelets? We have iron and bronze, so what's so special about gold? If you ask, you've probably never seen the gold. Gold has an ethereal glow that reminds everyone who sees it from the brilliant sunlight. In addition to its natural color and brilliant shine, this is a non-reactive and resistant to corrosion. These attributes not only helped us to find before we have a technologically advanced methods of extraction, but is also allowed to wear one gold jewelry at the end with him ever lose a little of its charm and splendor. The final attribute of gold, which makes it especially suitable for jewelry is its natural softness and flexibility. This has allowed our ancestors to craft it into a beautiful shape for use in our most exotic and ancient jewelries.

As time passes, gold remains a measure of wealth and abundance. Even today, money is often backed by a horde of gold, and when it fails currencies, gold always steps up to the plate. Humanity collectively chose gold as an eternal currency that has no boundaries, and is acceptable in any country, regardless of language. After all this, is it any wonder why we are so fascinated with gold?

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