Of course, there are a lot of fakes and replicas out there in the world today. Everyday we see these "too good to be true" deals on luxury watches and Tissot to name just a luxury brand. If you're one of those purchases, and would like to verify the authenticity of a real luxury watch, there are a few quick and easy things you can do.
1 These watches are sold through authorized distributors and also through the company's own website. If the party you made the purchase from an authorized dealer, you have no worries.
2 Your clock should come to you with some kind of certificate or papers that prove the authenticity. If your clock has come without papers, you have to examine very closely. It can be a real "pre-owned" model, in which case you must return it immediately.
3 Of course, you'll want to check the obvious and clear signs, such as a misspelled word and any other evidence of poor workmanship. The decision to look not to use glue, so look for signs of glue residue.
4 Make sure your clock is in perfect condition. Make sure all functionality is in place.
5 Finally, many of these luxury watches are made with luminous material. Take I sat in the sun for about an hour, and then back home, dial, hands should be luminous glow.
Make sure you have a real watch, following these simple steps.
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