Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What are the Herbal Remedies for Acid Reflux?

Despite scientific progress, herbal remedies for acid reflux will continue to serve as a reliable joints for a natural cure for acid reflux. These natural herbal remedies for acid reflux medications that are commonly used ingredients you already have in your pantry.

In addition to being economical, and herbal remedies for acid reflux bring the comforts of home remedies and memory of the grandmother. suffers no further emphasizes the feeling that patients with the disease. After all, it's just acid reflux, and you can whip up a cure in your kitchen.

anise, peppermint and lavender Tea

Among the known natural herbal remedies for acid reflux and heartburn is an herbal tea. This aromatic tea helps to lower acidity in the stomach. It serves to relieve your acid reflux symptoms caused by the presence of excess stomach acid.

a simple herbal tea can be done mixing one teaspoon each of anise, peppermint and lavender in a cup. Cook half past two cups of water. Pour water over herbs. Let the tea steep for five minutes before straining it. If you want a sweetener, add a little honey. For acid reflux relief, drink eight ounces of herbal tea in the morning and again in the evening.

Cinnamon Raisin Bread

cinnamon raisin bread is one of the effective herbal remedies for acid reflux. Cinnamon has a reputation as a trusted antacid and antiseptic and is an effective means of controlling colds and flu. To create this simple remedy, toast some raisin bread. Ga with butter, cinnamon, and cardamom. Cinnamon bread slowly chew before swallowing.

Pineapple Enzymes

Simply eating pineapple will reduce inflammation and promote healing acid reflux is a shame. One particularly pineapple enzyme, bromelain, reduces the protein in the food we eat and helps digestion.

Organic Grapefruit Skins

effective herbal remedy for acid reflux is the outer skin of organic grapefruit. For the preparation of which is used as a cure acid reflux, Grate the entire outer skin of organic grapefruit. Spread the grated skin of a dish and allow them to dry while the crinkly. Store in a jar of dried skin. When you have inflammation or heartburn, take some of the dried grape skins, chew on them and then swallowed. You may need to experiment with this technique until you determine how much dried grapefruit skins you chew settle your stomach.

chicory root Tea

Chicory tea is an herbal remedy from an old family of bitter herbs. To create a chicory tea, boil 1 1 / 2 cups of chicory root for ten minutes. Allow to cool. Drink tea for acid reflux relief.

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