Thursday, March 31, 2011

188+ Stages of the Hero's Journey (Monomyth, Screenwriting)- Dissolution of the Old Self


188 stage Hero's Journey (Monomyth) is the template on which the vast majority of successful stories and Hollywood blockbusters are based. In fact, all one hundredth of Hollywood movies we have deconstructed (see URL below) are based on this 188 + stage template.

Understanding this template is a priority for story or screenwriters. This is the template you must master if you want to succeed in the trades.

[terminology most often metaphoric and applies to all successful stories and screenplays, from The Godfather (1972) to Brokeback Mountain (2006) to Annie Hall (1977) The Lord of the Rings (2003) to Drugstore Cowboy (1989) on Thelma & Louise (1991) to Apocaplyse Now (1979 )].

there is only one story

188 THE STAGE hero's journey involves several major phases, including:

), coming from another world in the ordinary world.

b) Ordinary Self, which came about as a result of the ordinary world.

c) encouragement of the ordinary world into the New World.

d) the gradual disintegration of the old man.

e) becomes the new man.

f) pushing away from the new man and the New World.

g) coping with challenges.

h) overcome old and new worlds and self.

more ...

(just go for full details)

abbreviated tips, performed and examples:

END old self

Each character is experiencing transformation, a significant portion of which occurs during the road trials. It was here that Hero's Old Self dissolves away. For example, in The Godfather (1972), Michael's Old Self begins to melt away after Sicily.

road trials often has three phases. However, this is not the number of stages that is important, but that the old man is melting away. It is therefore not surprising to find that this phase varies in length depending on the story.

in Star Wars (1977), the road from the trial phase of a sudden - Hero's evolution occurs in the trilogy, and not one story


in Dirty Dancing (1987), Baby's evolution follows the standard path.

The Little Miss sunsine (2006), multiple character issues are resolved by using the standard process.

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