Sunday, March 20, 2011

Preschool Activity - Cutting Shapes and Lines

shearing learned activity. Until three years old your child should have no trouble holding a couple of children-sized scissors. That they need some time to master this new skill, however, so be patient with them as they begin to show interest in learning how to do it.

Buying your child a couple of your scissors. If your child is left-handed, make sure that the scissors can be used left or right-handed children. Many of scissors can use both.

Let your child try to cut with scissors, and encourage him to cut the best we can. On May take some time for him to get used to it. My boys were four years before they could properly hold scissors and cut up with them.

After your child has learned to cut with your scissors, it is time for the practice of cutting shapes and lines. This activity helps your preschooler master of his cutting skills so that he may move to cut shapes for your craft projects.

Did your child begin cutting lines. Simply use a ruler to draw a few lines on a piece of paper, and then have your child try to cut down on the line. It will probably take some time for your child to get used to it, but after he catches on it will be so proud of his new creations. After the line, he's ready to move on to the wavy lines, ovals, and finally circles.

Preschool children love this activity logs. One of my sons spent at least an hour two days in a row crop shape I had drawn for him. He was so excited that he could cut the lines that he wanted to cut them again and again.

Another skill that can be practiced with this activity is to follow. Before your child is off form, let them first mark with a pencil. It is also a skill that takes time to learn that your child will enjoy trying to master.

Children enjoy learning things. Open a whole new world for your child, teaching him something as simple as using scissors.

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